Tuesday, May 29, 2007


A lot of people wonder what the most common thread among the rich is. What makes them different than the rest of us? There are a lot of different theories out there. Some true and some totally preposterous. However, in this ongoing series I will share with you the one trait ALL rich people possess. This one attribute was the one thing they all rode to success. All rich persons have an EXTREME PASSION for what they do professionally. This passion keeps them up at night and makes them get up early in the morning. When they work, it's not laborious in the traditional sense because it is a labor of love. So what does this mean to you? I want you to really examine how you feel about your current career. Is it fulfilling to the utmost or are you there just to collect a check? At any point in the day do you find yourself wishing you were doing something more meaningful (in your opinion)? Do you dread going to the office? If any of these statements apply, you may want to take a serious look at where you are. Now, if you are happy with your personal state of affairs, then this message may not apply to you. However, for those of you who are sick and tired of being sick and tired, here's what you should do. Find what it is you are passionate about. EVERYONE is passionate about something. If you can't think of anything, consult family, friends, or coworkers and ask this question, "I seem most happy when I am ______". That is your answer. After you get this answer, hold on to it and it shall be addressed in the next Millionaire Moment. Stay Connected!

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