Friday, June 1, 2007


My father used to tell a joke that he thought was simply hilarious. When a person would cordially ask, "Mr. Williams, how do you feel today?" He would reply, "with my hands!" followed by a deep bellow of laughter. It may be a simple concept, but in keeping with our Millionaire Moment theme, this is your next step. In order to become that success that you envision you must not only see it, but FEEL it. I know some of you in the audience just said, "what the heck does he mean?" Well, I will address that immediately. There is a saying in the sales world that goes, "logic tells and emotion sells!" People react 100 times faster on emotion than logic. Think about it. The last time you went on a date, did you go because he/she thoroughly explained to you how beneficial a nocturnal escapade would be with them or was it the fact that something inside was like, "hmmm he/she is kinda cute!" Your emotions drove you to that decision, PERIOD! When your parents disciplined you as a kid, what made you adhere to what they told you? What is that simple logic that says you should not talk back or was it the emotion of fear that caused you to straighten up and fly right. I think you get my point, so I will help you apply it to your quest to become that person you always dreamed of! The last episode I asked you to find what your passion was. I gave you a few days to do it, so I am confident you got it done. Now with that in hand, I want you to imagine doing whatever that is on a daily basis. I want you to really relax and mentally record how you feel as you are performing that task. To illustrate, I will give myself as an example. I love motivational speaking. I get an absolute rush from being on stage in front of crowds. As I lie back and think about it, I imagine the energy I get from the crowd, the looks on their faces when I make a point that hits home for someone, the tears rolling down their cheeks when they feel they have found IT! I think of the thoughts rolling through my head of my childhood and how I overcame a lot to be able to stand and testify and validate my being in front of them. I embrace the feeling of euphoria when a little kid comes up to me and says he wants to be me when he grows up! That's the type of thing that makes a grown man cry! Hence, if you do this continually, you will get to the point where you MUST pursue your dreams! Look you only have ONE shot at this thing. Stop allowing people to decide your future for you. And for you holy rollers who say that God says there will always be poor people, it is not because he wanted everyone to be poor. He knew some would choose to be poor. He also said, "blessed above all, I want you to PROSPER and be in good health even as your soul prospers." Again, that illustrates that you have a CHOICE! When you wake up tomorrow, I want you to look in the mirror, smile, and say, "I am excited to be you". I know it sounds corny, but please humor me and do it. Don't fake it, say it like you mean it! Do it repeatedly and watch how differently you FEEL. Next, try to wear a smile instead of a frown. It takes 7 muscles to smile and 42 to frown. That's why grumply people have wrinkled faces! Last, share your enthusiam with someone else. Instead, of the same trite greeting, the next time someone asks you how you are doing, smile BIG and say, "ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS!" and watch their reaction. You will be surprised at how FEELing your way in life will get you to the TOP! Stay Connected!


Coach said...

I have always thought you were a deep brother since back in the day. Some of your views that you have expressed to me, have had a positive affect on my coaching career. You speak the truth and society needs that. You are not just helping our people but society as a whole, understand that succes is not hard, it just takes a little confidence, effort, and prayer. Continue to do God's will and grow in your chosen career my brother. I will always be here to help and LEARN!

Let me know how I can help the website grow.

Keep God first and "Handle Ya Business"!

Anonymous said...

The truth is spoken. I do believe that your gift (which is in fact your passion) will make way for you. Can you imagine the world we would have with each of us doing what we were created to do? I am visualizing that right now.AWESOME! I'm hopeful that others will read and get a revelation on these truths you've spoken. I am a sister living and working in my purpose getting paid well for it, and it never feels like work. When a thing is living out its creative purpose, its at its best and it comes naturally. Keep spreading the word. God bless!