Sunday, December 9, 2007

Don't Forget About You!

Hey Guys (and Gals), I know it's been a while since my last post, but I have been taking time to gauge where I am in life. I speak prosperity, motivation, stretching yourself, and pushing your personal limits to many people; however, I hadn't been speaking them to MYSELF. At a point I thought maybe that was selfish, but as I progressed in life, I found myself pouring so much into others, that I forgot about ME. I would become so emotionally, physically, and spiritually drained that all I could do was lie down and go to sleep. After a while, I began to realize that, yes, God has given you a gift, but in order to benefit from the gift, I must utilize it for me as well. Now, by no means do I speak of a state of depression or anything with a negative connotation. Just like a car must be maintenanced, so must we! I began to make more time for me. I read more. I meditated more. I wrote out my personal vision. I sought people who would pour into me. I eliminated time spent with persons who were not adding value to my life. I paid more attention to family. I gave my all to God.

Needless to say, things rapidly began to change. I have a different outlook now. I am still as motivated as ever, but now I have more of an inner peace. Nothing phases me too much. I realize I cannot save everyone, but the one's lives that I do touch will be GREATLY changed. I am no one special. I simply sought out God's purpose for my life, and I actively seek to fulfill it every day. YOU have the same opportunity!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Hello My Friends!

I know it has been a while since my last post; however, I have been working diligently on the opening of my new office space. I found it absolutely necessary to create a "lab" to further the movement of To bring you a few updates, I am currently working on my first book, I am planning my first LIVE DVD performance in the next 60 days, AND am partnering with one of the best speakers in these here United States of America! That is exciting in itself, but I cannot spill the beans yet. I want to thank you for supporting me in all these endeavors, as now my Pastor is in full support of this mission. Guys, when I say support I do not mean in word, I mean in DEED. He actually invested MAJOR capital in this business becaused he believes that much in me, and the vision God has blessed me with. So all I can say for now is HOLD ON! YOU AIN'T SEEN NOTHIN' YET!

Thursday, August 2, 2007


Hello Friends!

Did you miss me? Well, I missed you guys! I REALLY missed the positive feedback I have been receiving from my students via this publication. However, I have a couple of large announcements to share with you. A couple weeks ago, I presented my business plan to my pastor, Rev. Terrance H. Johnson. (see and He is a very successful preacher, teacher, businessman, and someone I have an immense amount of respect for. In church on Sunday, he called me up on stage to present me and to the audience. He gave me his FULL endorsement, and asked the congregation to stay in prayer for me as I have committed to be the first member to donate $1,000,000 to Higher Dimension Church. This is something that was put in my spirit over a year ago, but only shared with him last month. As a member of, you become a stakeholder in this promise as well. Whether you are a well-wisher who passes these writings on to someone in need, or you attend one of the live conferences to come, you play a great role in the next great movement to enhance human achievement. In case I have not shared with you, God is my sole strength. I can do nothing without Him. He is the driving force behind and He is the reason we will succeed!

Secondly, I wanted to share with you that I have been in the studio recording. Many persons were asking the question, "what is NorrisNetwork?". You asked, so I delivered. After the editing process is completed, you will see me speaking LIVE on the blog to answer questions about myself, my background, what motivates me, and what I want my students to gain from the NorrisNetwork experience. It was an AWESOME experience, and I am sure you will be pleased with the result! Ladies and gentlemen, this is only the beginning!

If you know someone who would benefit from the inspiration you get from NorrisNetwork, then be a friend and pass it on!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

(Insert Your Name), Inc.

I know it's been a while since you have heard from me, but I assure you it was with the greatest of intentions. My goal with this communication is to make sure to provide you with pure octane every time you read this blog! No empty rhetoric or any canned articles. When you read I want you to have an life-changing experience EVERY TIME! With that being said, I want to share something that made my brain flip! Dr. Paul Landrew, a renowned minister and visionary, said in a recent speech that "we are all corporations." He also stated that if we are all corporations, then we need to shore up our structures. This means we should have internal marketing, finance, operations, human resources, and research and development departments. Yeah, so Norris what does that mean? I'm glad you asked. Think about it. If you have one or more friends, a girlfriend, a boyfriend, or a job, you have marketing skills. If you pay bills every month, like we all do, you have finance acumen. Managing your life in any manner sharpens your operational skills. And working in relation to any other human being constitutes your HR experience. BUT who has done any Research and Development on themselves? EXACTLY! NO ONE! Norris, make it plain and quit talking this business jargon! Fine, since you asked I will tell you. When's the last time you researched your past and developed a plan for your future? When's the last time you researched your current situation and developed a plan to move into your purpose if you are not already there? Have you researched the way you treat people? And if it's in a negative manner, have you developed a plan to change that into a positive? You must evaluate yourself using the model of the perfect business to achieve the levels of success you want to. Don't think about it, DO IT!

As a sidebar, look at this! For those of you that went to business school you
remember they taught us the purpose of a corporation is to maximize shareholder value. Most corporations do that effectively. You have a few knuckleheads, but that holds true with everything in life. Shareholders are individuals who invest resources, whether money, time, or expertise so that the company will succeed according to the bylaws of its charter. There are persons around you who believe in you and want to help you succeed. But Norris, you don't know my situation! Very true, however, I serve a God who doesn't make mistakes AND I never said you know them already. I said they are around you. I guarantee you pass in arm's length of someone who could help you reach your destiny EVERY DAY! You have to make yourself open and available. For example, if you walk around with a frown, who would WANT to help you. Now that we have that excuse out of the way, let's bring this home. John F. Kennedy once said in a speech, "ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country!" This point, coupled with the corporation example gives you the answer to any questions you may have had as to why you may not be at the level of success you deserve to be. The secret to success is to add more value to someone else's life than you expect in return! It sounds anticlimactic doesn't it? Companies make billions of dollars because they look to add immense value to the shareholders FIRST. This same principle can ring true in your life IF you would apply it! It's oh so simple, but we have a ME ME ME mentality.

Does the farmer plant seed or reap a harvest first? Think about it.

Saturday, June 30, 2007


I want to address EVERYONE here. Many of the previous posts were pertaining to one individual or one group of individuals. However, this one is all-inclusive. I want everyone to think of the person or persons whom you admire. It may be your parents, siblings, pastor, family attorney, some famous athlete or entertainer. Or it could be your college professor, limo driver (for you privileged folk), or your barber. Whomever may be the person you would like to emulate, please consider them only a model. Some of you may be wondering what this crazy man is talking about this time. Well, as usual, hold on to your seat! I aim not to disappoint. The issue lying herein is this; all the gurus say to succeed you must find someone you want to be like and become THEM. How the hell do you do that? Is that the latest technological advance? There is no way you can do that! Even cloning has serious imperfections. Why would you want to be someone you cannot be. There is only ONE Michael Jordan, ONE Bill Cosby, and ONE Norris Williams II (has a nice ring to it, huh?). To become all YOU want to be, you must be the best YOU. It's ok to borrow techniques, habits, and theories, but to reach the level that NORRISNETWORK is taking you to, it is imperative that you realize you are UNIQUE. You have certain gifts and talents that other people do not possess in the same combination that you do. Just like fingerprints, your identity is one of a kind. The fact that you are made that way is evidence that there is ABSOLUTELY NO limit on what anyone wants to accomplish. Life is an overabundant feast of health, wealth, and happiness. Why would you dare settle for table scraps?

Sunday, June 24, 2007


If you are like me, you are a sucker for "how to" training programs. I have purchased all types of CDs, DVDs, Bootcamps, Teleseminars and the like looking for that one strategy that will make me a millionaire. While most of these items added value to my career, they never taught me the basic tenet of how to succeed in any venture. Are you wondering what that tenet is? Sure you are! I will tell you in a second. First I want you to look back on your life and examine why this venture didn't work or why that idea never came to fruition. Knowing information doesn't translate into success. If so, College Professors would be the wealthiest people in the world. You see, there is ONE thing that differentiates "winners" from "whiners". It is not motivation, its is not dedication, it is not perfect planning. It is not getting a mentor, it is not reading until you are blue in the face. Are you ready? Okay, fine I will tell you. Your HABITS dictate your success! Expecting something profound weren't you? Well, you will receive profound results if you apply effective habits daily. What do you mean habits, Norris? Okay, for you ladies, do you think LL got those abs overnight? Not even close! Daily, he works out and eats the proper foods. Both habits he CHOSE to implement CONSISTENTLY. Hence, he has the results that keep you buying his CDs. (Yes, I know he raps too) Another example, you weren't born knowing the English language. You first said, mama or dada, then next you picked up other words. Daily, you repeated the words you already knew, while adding new ones. Eventually, you were a full-fledged grammarian! The point is, it took you doing the simple, mundane, easily forgotten actions on a daily basis to achieve astromomical results! The take-away from this is, first, look at the goals you want to achieve. Second, ask yourself, "am I performing the daily habits to achieve these goals?" If the answer is no, then CHANGE your habits!! Easy to do, easy not to do! You make the call. Stay Connected!

Saturday, June 16, 2007


Have you wondered why you are where you are in life? Are you struggling trying to get ahead only to fall behind continously? There are several reasons for this, but there is one reason we shall concentrate on now. I could tell you how you live your life spiritually, physically, and financially if you would tell me who your five closest friends are. You see, your surroundings determine your success, or your lack thereof. Marketeers like to use the phrase, "your netWORK equals your netWORTH". We are all influenced by friends family and relatives, so your life is calculated by the weighted average of your five closest friends. If you think otherwise, just look around you. I know you are thinking, "so is he saying I should ditch my friends?" YES! Before you go off the deep end, look at it another way. When you "ditched" school, didn't you eventually go back? You left school temporarily for some unforseen reason, but DID return. Now THIS time you have an iron clad reason for leaving. YOU seek to better your position in life. There is nothing at all wrong with that. The goal is to RETURN and get them! After they see YOUR success, they will be motivated to achieve it for themselves. If they sneer at you, they were never your friends to begin with!

Friday, June 1, 2007


My father used to tell a joke that he thought was simply hilarious. When a person would cordially ask, "Mr. Williams, how do you feel today?" He would reply, "with my hands!" followed by a deep bellow of laughter. It may be a simple concept, but in keeping with our Millionaire Moment theme, this is your next step. In order to become that success that you envision you must not only see it, but FEEL it. I know some of you in the audience just said, "what the heck does he mean?" Well, I will address that immediately. There is a saying in the sales world that goes, "logic tells and emotion sells!" People react 100 times faster on emotion than logic. Think about it. The last time you went on a date, did you go because he/she thoroughly explained to you how beneficial a nocturnal escapade would be with them or was it the fact that something inside was like, "hmmm he/she is kinda cute!" Your emotions drove you to that decision, PERIOD! When your parents disciplined you as a kid, what made you adhere to what they told you? What is that simple logic that says you should not talk back or was it the emotion of fear that caused you to straighten up and fly right. I think you get my point, so I will help you apply it to your quest to become that person you always dreamed of! The last episode I asked you to find what your passion was. I gave you a few days to do it, so I am confident you got it done. Now with that in hand, I want you to imagine doing whatever that is on a daily basis. I want you to really relax and mentally record how you feel as you are performing that task. To illustrate, I will give myself as an example. I love motivational speaking. I get an absolute rush from being on stage in front of crowds. As I lie back and think about it, I imagine the energy I get from the crowd, the looks on their faces when I make a point that hits home for someone, the tears rolling down their cheeks when they feel they have found IT! I think of the thoughts rolling through my head of my childhood and how I overcame a lot to be able to stand and testify and validate my being in front of them. I embrace the feeling of euphoria when a little kid comes up to me and says he wants to be me when he grows up! That's the type of thing that makes a grown man cry! Hence, if you do this continually, you will get to the point where you MUST pursue your dreams! Look you only have ONE shot at this thing. Stop allowing people to decide your future for you. And for you holy rollers who say that God says there will always be poor people, it is not because he wanted everyone to be poor. He knew some would choose to be poor. He also said, "blessed above all, I want you to PROSPER and be in good health even as your soul prospers." Again, that illustrates that you have a CHOICE! When you wake up tomorrow, I want you to look in the mirror, smile, and say, "I am excited to be you". I know it sounds corny, but please humor me and do it. Don't fake it, say it like you mean it! Do it repeatedly and watch how differently you FEEL. Next, try to wear a smile instead of a frown. It takes 7 muscles to smile and 42 to frown. That's why grumply people have wrinkled faces! Last, share your enthusiam with someone else. Instead, of the same trite greeting, the next time someone asks you how you are doing, smile BIG and say, "ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS!" and watch their reaction. You will be surprised at how FEELing your way in life will get you to the TOP! Stay Connected!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


A lot of people wonder what the most common thread among the rich is. What makes them different than the rest of us? There are a lot of different theories out there. Some true and some totally preposterous. However, in this ongoing series I will share with you the one trait ALL rich people possess. This one attribute was the one thing they all rode to success. All rich persons have an EXTREME PASSION for what they do professionally. This passion keeps them up at night and makes them get up early in the morning. When they work, it's not laborious in the traditional sense because it is a labor of love. So what does this mean to you? I want you to really examine how you feel about your current career. Is it fulfilling to the utmost or are you there just to collect a check? At any point in the day do you find yourself wishing you were doing something more meaningful (in your opinion)? Do you dread going to the office? If any of these statements apply, you may want to take a serious look at where you are. Now, if you are happy with your personal state of affairs, then this message may not apply to you. However, for those of you who are sick and tired of being sick and tired, here's what you should do. Find what it is you are passionate about. EVERYONE is passionate about something. If you can't think of anything, consult family, friends, or coworkers and ask this question, "I seem most happy when I am ______". That is your answer. After you get this answer, hold on to it and it shall be addressed in the next Millionaire Moment. Stay Connected!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Where Are You?

Today, I would like to ask, where are you? I do not mean geographically, but where are you in LIFE? Are you living the way you would like or are you settling for what handouts have been thrown your way? The truth of the matter is, life is a choice! It really bothers me when I hear people say, "oh, life dealt me a bad hand", or "I was meant to have nothing"! That is pure, unadulterated NONSENSE! Life was meant to be enjoyable! Life was formulated for success! And there is plenty of room for everyone at the top! Think about it on a personal level. The human body is one enormous system comprised of multiple subsystems. It takes some serious engineering to keep all those systems at a point of equilibrium. Consciously, you really have no idea how it works, but you know it works! So, that you should be a hint of the inherent power within us as humans. Now, imagine harnessing that power into a tangible application. YOU CAN! The human mind is the sole instrument we have control over. It cannot be gaged because the limits are infinite! In the days following, I will share with you how to harness the power of the mind to achieve EVERYTHING in life you so desire! Stay connected!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Get Connected!

Welcome to NorrisNetwork! Never again will your life be the same! NorrisNetwork is dedicated to providing the most grand opporunities for you to achieve the levels of success you thought were reserved only for those "privileged" few. Well we are here to tell and demonstrate to you that EVERYONE has a millionaire inside them! It is only a matter of embracing the power that you ALREADY possess! You just may not have realized that you HAVE it! From this day forward you will move into that area of your life that you may have never thought possible. How will that happen? We will have several Millionaire Moments designed for NorrisNetwork members. Stay tuned in to NorrisNetwork as we, together, build a Network of like-minded individuals all motivated to achieve everything life has promised!