Monday, May 21, 2007

Where Are You?

Today, I would like to ask, where are you? I do not mean geographically, but where are you in LIFE? Are you living the way you would like or are you settling for what handouts have been thrown your way? The truth of the matter is, life is a choice! It really bothers me when I hear people say, "oh, life dealt me a bad hand", or "I was meant to have nothing"! That is pure, unadulterated NONSENSE! Life was meant to be enjoyable! Life was formulated for success! And there is plenty of room for everyone at the top! Think about it on a personal level. The human body is one enormous system comprised of multiple subsystems. It takes some serious engineering to keep all those systems at a point of equilibrium. Consciously, you really have no idea how it works, but you know it works! So, that you should be a hint of the inherent power within us as humans. Now, imagine harnessing that power into a tangible application. YOU CAN! The human mind is the sole instrument we have control over. It cannot be gaged because the limits are infinite! In the days following, I will share with you how to harness the power of the mind to achieve EVERYTHING in life you so desire! Stay connected!

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