Sunday, June 24, 2007


If you are like me, you are a sucker for "how to" training programs. I have purchased all types of CDs, DVDs, Bootcamps, Teleseminars and the like looking for that one strategy that will make me a millionaire. While most of these items added value to my career, they never taught me the basic tenet of how to succeed in any venture. Are you wondering what that tenet is? Sure you are! I will tell you in a second. First I want you to look back on your life and examine why this venture didn't work or why that idea never came to fruition. Knowing information doesn't translate into success. If so, College Professors would be the wealthiest people in the world. You see, there is ONE thing that differentiates "winners" from "whiners". It is not motivation, its is not dedication, it is not perfect planning. It is not getting a mentor, it is not reading until you are blue in the face. Are you ready? Okay, fine I will tell you. Your HABITS dictate your success! Expecting something profound weren't you? Well, you will receive profound results if you apply effective habits daily. What do you mean habits, Norris? Okay, for you ladies, do you think LL got those abs overnight? Not even close! Daily, he works out and eats the proper foods. Both habits he CHOSE to implement CONSISTENTLY. Hence, he has the results that keep you buying his CDs. (Yes, I know he raps too) Another example, you weren't born knowing the English language. You first said, mama or dada, then next you picked up other words. Daily, you repeated the words you already knew, while adding new ones. Eventually, you were a full-fledged grammarian! The point is, it took you doing the simple, mundane, easily forgotten actions on a daily basis to achieve astromomical results! The take-away from this is, first, look at the goals you want to achieve. Second, ask yourself, "am I performing the daily habits to achieve these goals?" If the answer is no, then CHANGE your habits!! Easy to do, easy not to do! You make the call. Stay Connected!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This was a real blessing...simple but so important. Thanks for the insightful words.